Je suis journaliste indépendant à Paris couvrant les questions de justice, racisme, genre et migration. J'ai travaillé en France, aux Etats-Unis et au Canada pour divers médias tels qu’InfoMigrants, France 24, Mediapart, le Bondy Blog, Associated Press, WBEZ Chicago Public Radio, et NBC. Je suis diplômé d’un master de journalisme de la City University of New York.

I am an investigative reporter on issues of justice, race, migration and gender currently freelancing between France 24, InfoMigrants, Le Bondy Blog and the Associated Press in Paris, France. I have worked as a journalist in the United States, France and Canada for various outlets such as the AP, The Intercept and WBEZ Chicago Public Radio. I have a Masters of Journalism from the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY and a B. A. in Political Science from McGill University. I grew up French-Iranian in Bordeaux, France.

Photo: Dimitri Jean