L’après M, un restaurant solidaire par et pour les quartiers nord

L’ancien McDonald’s des quartiers Nord de Marseille se reconvertit en « social food », l'inauguration a eu lieu samedi 10 décembre. Habitante des quartiers nord et manageuse de L'après M, Akima nous raconte cette aventure et l'amour de son quartier.

Exils noirs transatlantiques

Exils noirs transatlantiques est un documentaire audio en deux chapitres publié avec le Bondy Blog racontant les exils croisés des noir.es américain.es en France et des français.es noir.es aux Etats-Unis, et ce que ces traversées racontent des dynamiques raciales de chaque pays.

Illustration: Calixte Bernard

Musique: Choke Me Benalla de Mokish

Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?

What happens when a journalist realizes they fucked up? What does accountability look like for a journalist?

First page of Donna Minkowitz’ 1994 article in the Village Voice

First page of Donna Minkowitz’ 1994 article in the Village Voice

In this episode, we talk with writer and journalist Donna Minkowitz, and prominent transgender advocate and author Riki Wilchins about the transphobic coverage of the 1993 Brandon Teena murder.

On New Year’s Eve of that year, Brandon was murdered in Falls City, Nebraska by two violent transphobes after his trans identity was revealed. Donna Minkowitz’ article was published in the Village Voice a few months later and inspired the award-winning movie Boys Don’t Cry, starring Hilary Swank. It also sparked outrage and protest for trans activists such as Riki Wilchins and Leslie Feinberg who went and demonstrated in front of the Village Voice offices in New York.

Decades later, Minkowitz realized the transphobia of her piece. We talk with her and Wilchins about how that article and her apology came about.

Photo: But I’m a Cheerleader

Photo: But I’m a Cheerleader

A two-voices story of what it's like walking into a queer bar for the first time.

Podcast: The Bias

The Bias is a podcast that explores journalistic subjectivity and what happens in the newsroom before the story prints out.


Illustration: Nelly Wat

Illustration: Nelly Wat

Illustration: Kelsi Phung

Illustration: Kelsi Phung

Podcast: Ricochets

Quand on parle de violence, on parle souvent des chiffres, mais rarement de l’humain derrière. Ricochets raconte l’après: ce qui reste, ce qui part, et surtout, comment on vit avec.

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